How much longer?

You know that feeling when you’ve been stuck in your car for an eternity and you still can’t see your destination. Especially when you’re with slightly impatient travelling companions who can’t stay still for long or hide their frustration. You squeeze the steering wheel spasmodically and stare at the road; long hours of wasted time that could have been spent reading, knitting or doing something else meaningful. How much longer? This is the question hundreds, if not thousands, of drivers ask themselves every day, following trucks on the road in a never-ending car train, dreaming of a high-speed train. Rail Baltica fulfils this dream! Whether you’re travelling to Raphael for work, taking the family to Riga or going to a party in Berlin, #tulevikonrongis is the dream of the future.

- Completion of 5 viaducts and 4 eco-viaducts
- More than 10 structures under construction
- Construction of Ülemiste terminal and RB main line has started.
- The Ülemiste terminal is taking shape
- Procurement of regional trains underway
- Over 100 km of main line under construction.
First Rail Baltica train departs from Tallinn
What's in it for me?
What benefits will the country get?
Positive impact on the environment

Rail Baltica näidissõidugraafik

* NB! Tegemist on illustreeriva materjaliga ning väljumisajad on tinglikult kuvatud vaid illustreerival eesmärgil ega ole aluseks tulevastele tegelikele rongigraafikutele. Sõiduajad põhinevad ETC Transport Consultants GmbH koostatud Rail Baltica opereerimisplaanil ning on hinnangulised. Täpsed sõiduajad ja võimalikud väljumised selguvad siis, kui on paigas raudtee operaator.